How Carnevale Naturals Began
Inspired by nature
My passion for candles started in 2018 when we were planning our wedding. We decided that we wanted to give our guests a special gift made by us, so we decided to make our own candles. As well as being fun I found the process meditational and it helped me through the anxiety I was suffering at that time. Also, nature has always inspired me and has helped me so much. There is nothing like a walk through the woods or a walk on a beach to free your mind, so I wanted to create candles that recreates that sense of connection with nature.
Since then I kept making candles for myself, family and friends, always searching for the most natural ingredients and now I want to share them with you.
Light your candle, "Take a deep breath, get present in the moment and ask yourself what is important this very second". Greg Mckeown